
Deniz Erkan Sancak

Deniz Erkan Sancak

Deniz Erkan Sancak was born and raised in Türkiye. He is a multidisciplinary human who continues to create and learn. Jump starting his journey with the national team of Latin-American Dance Sport in his country, he continued to perform contemporary pieces in leading theaters in Türkiye and moved to NYC after receiving full scholarship awards at Conservatory of Dance at Purchase College, SUNY. He worked with Companies Like, Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, Ballet Nouveau Colorado (Wonderbound), Stephen Petronio Company, and the Metropolitan Opera Ballet; currently rehearsing for the production Ainadamar. He has been a guest-artist with the Symphony Orchestra of Ankara, and performed with the renowned contemporary theater Tatbikat Tiyatrosu in Türkiye; featuring in the Rock’n Roll Musical Woyzek Masalı by Erdal Beşikçioğlu and the Paul street boys by Korhan Basaran. Deniz has been working closely with the pioneer choreographer/teacher Binnaz Dorkip on multiple occasions as a performer, an assistant and a student. Previously, Deniz joined “The school of hard knocks” by Yoshiko Chuma as a member and also worked with choreographers like; Douglas Dunn, Liz Gerring, and Christopher Williams. As a instructor, previously He taught technique classes, as well as compositional lessons in Burklyn Ballet Theater, Bilkent University (theater department), Akbank sanat/Istanbul, Academy Servetiye and Aralık Sahne. He is very excited to be working with the legendary Ellen Cornfield and the members of the Cornfield Dance.

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